

Remove Bg

Upload your image to remove bg and create transparent background, white background or custom bg in seconds - free & no signup.


選擇一張圖片,使用我們的免費工具,在5 秒內100% 自動將背景移除,無需任何點擊。


有了 的智慧AI,你不僅能大幅節省編輯時間,也可享受更多樂趣! 無論是想製作透明背景的影像(PNG),或為照片加上白色背景等,全都可以透過 完成。

Image Background Removal Tool for SFTP

SFTP is the new and improved alternative to uploading and downloading files from a hosting account. As opposed to FTP, it brings in extra layers of security ...

Image Background Removal Tool for Flickr

Use the image background remover tool to change or remove the backgrounds of any photos you upload and share with your friends on Flickr.


2023年8月7日 — has got you covered. With this snazzy AI-driven online tool, you can upload photos and images and either remove or change the ...

Image Background Removal Tool for FTP

Use FTP to upload and download files from your hosting account. If you're looking to upload large amounts of images on the server, FTP helps you do that in ...

Upload an image to remove background

Select any image to automatically remove the background online and make it transparent for free in just a few seconds with a single click.